How to Set SMART Rocks with EOS®

Struggling to set Rocks after implementing the Entrepreneurial Operating System®?

You’re not alone! Most companies find it challenging to set Rocks at the start of their EOS journey. We understand that setting a target or project as one of your top priorities for the next 90 days may be overwhelming. You want to do the right thing to amplify business growth.

For this, you must know how to set SMART Rocks with EOS. SMART is an acronym here, which stands for:

S= Specific

M= Measurable

A= Attainable

R= Realistic

T= Timely

If your Rock misses any of these attributes, you’ll likely face problems achieving it. Here’s how you can set SMART Rocks with EOS.

1. Be Specific

Before setting a Rock, think of a specific result that you look forward to achieving by the end of the quarter. You may begin with a complicated statement and then explain it or come up with a simple goal and then go into the details. Whichever way you decide to do it, make sure your bottom line is as specific as possible.

2. Think Measurable

A measurable Rock can be labeled as ‘achieved’ or ‘not achieved’ once the quarter ends. You must determine how you will know whether it has been done as per the plan or not.

When thinking of something measurable, you should break it down into clear, simple steps and set deadlines to complete each task. The information must be rolled out to the entire team to ensure everybody is on the same page.

3. Make it Attainable

You’ll only be able to achieve your rock if your business has the capacity to do so. For example, if you want to see your sales volume multiplying by a significant ratio but there aren’t enough members on your sales team, your Rock shouldn’t be about increasing sales. Instead, you should first aim to hire new salespersons to help you achieve the increased sales volume you want.

4. Keep it Realistic

You may be tempted to go beyond your comfort zone to achieve your goals but you should think realistically when setting a Rock. Overestimating your ability and underestimating the time required to achieve the goal is a common mistake. Challenge yourself while remaining realistic and you will set optimal Rocks.

5. Focus on Being Timely

To set a SMART Rock, you need to have a deadline in mind. If you have something that you need to do as soon as possible, prioritize it and set the due date to keep yourself on track. On the other hand, if you can think of something that can wait until the next quarter, put it on your long-term issues list.

Once you’ve set a Rock, consider setting a deadline for each step it takes for you to achieve it. This will bring accountability into the equation, making it easier for you to stay focused and determined.

Now that you know how to set SMART Rocks with EOS, get ready to achieve your quarterly goals like a pro! To learn more about setting SMART Rocks for your business, feel free to get in touch with Mark TODAY!

Mark is a Certified EOS Implementer® who wants to work with the best of the best. He’ll help you achieve all your business goals by doing EOS® pure.

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